Capablanca learnt to play chess at the age of 4,by watching his father play.
Capablanca was perhaps the most naturally gifted chess player ever.
He was world champion 1921-1927,when he lost the title to A.Alekhine.
Even after losing the world Title, Capablanca was able to win many strong tournaments.
Between 1916 and 1924 Capablanca did not lose a single game, until his loss to R. Reti at the New York 1924 tournament.
Capablanca played many great chess games,but the game below stands out as a classic.
Capablanca is white against Frank Marshall.
At this point Marshall resigned but it would of finished like this:
36....... Rxf7
37 b7-b8/Q+ Kh7
38 Rxh6+ Kxh6
39 Qh8+ Kg6
40 Qh5 is checkmate
Or can you work out the other move variations,if move 36 was not 36.....Rxf7,but was either
36.....Kh8 or 36......Kh7